• 下方を見下ろす
    • look down(ward)
    • 下方に進む
    • move downward
    • 下方に町が見える
    • A town can be seen down below.
  1. 〔数学で〕addition
  1. an additional allowance
    • 年功加俸
    • a long-service allowance
  1. 1〔仏教上の報い〕retribution
  1. 2〔幸運〕luck; (good) fortune
    • 果報は寝て待て
    • ((諺)) Everything comes to those who wait.
  1. 果報者fortune's favorite; a lucky person [fellow]
  1. a family treasure;〔伝来の〕an heirloom
    • 家宝の掛け軸
    • a hanging scroll treasured by the family
  1. 1〔家のおきて〕a family code of conduct, family rules [regulations];〔しきたり〕family customs, family traditions
  1. 2〔家伝の方法〕a technique [a skill/a formula/an art] passed down in the family for generations(▼techniqueは技法,skillは技術,formulaは方式,artは技芸)

