1. 〔野球で〕完投する pitch a complete game;《口》 go the distance
  1. 完投投手a pitcher who 「hurls a complete game [《口》 goes the distance]
  1. an official rank
    • 官等の高い人
    • a high-ranking official/an official of high rank
  1. the first [opening] page ((of a book))
    • 巻頭の辞
    • a foreword/a preface
  1. 巻頭論文the leadoff [lead] article
    • 強敵を相手に敢闘した
    • They put up a gallant [brave] fight against heavy odds.
  1. 敢闘賞a fighting-spirit prize [award]
  1. 敢闘精神fighting spirit

