1. emphysema [èmfəsíːmə]
    • 肺気腫
    • pulmonary emphysema
    • 奇手を放つ
    • make a surprise move
    • インフレ対策の奇手を考え出す
    • contrive a novel means of combating inflation
  1. 〔碁などで〕a surprise [daring] move
    • 鬼手を差す
    • make a surprise move
  1. I〔旗を持つ人〕a standard-bearer, a flag-bearer;〔連隊の〕a bearer
  1. II〔運動などの主唱者〕
    • 新文学の旗手
    • the standard-bearer of a new literary movement
  1. the nose (of an airplane)
    • 敵機は機首を西方に転じた
    • The enemy plane took a westerly course.
    • パイロットは機首を上げた[下げた]
    • The pilot lifted [lowered] the nose of the plane.
  1. 〔飛行機の〕 《米》 a type of airplane,《英》 a type of aeroplane;〔機械の〕a kind [type] of a machine
    • 新機種を発売する
    • release a new model of a machine
    • 製造中止の機種
    • a model which is no longer being made [produced]
  1. a rider;〔競馬の〕a jockey

