1. (a) contribution ((to));(a) donation ((to))

    寄付する contribute; subscribe ((to));《口》 chip in(▼contribute, chip inは他の人々と出し合う.subscribeは署名して寄付を約束する)

    • 寄付を募る
    • collect contributions/raise 「a fund [subscriptions] ((for))/take up a collection ((for))
    • 慈善団体[赤十字]に金を寄付する
    • contribute money to charity [the Red Cross]
    • 公園を作るために用地を寄付する
    • donate a site for a park
    • バザーに衣類を寄付した
    • I contributed some clothes to be sold at the bazaar.
    • コンピュータ5台が寄付された
    • There was a contribution of five computers.
    • 地元の会社数社が100万円ずつ寄付すると申し出た
    • Several local businesses have offered to chip in with a million yen apiece.
    • 寄付の申し出がとても少ない
    • There have been very few subscribers.
  1. 寄付金a contribution; a donation; an endowment(▼多額の金を寄付しその利息を運用してもらう場合)
  1. 寄付者a donor; a contributor; a subscriber
  1. a record of a game of go [shogi]
    • 貴腐ぶどう
    • grapes (affected) with noble rot

