1. 〔一般の〕a member ((of an assembly)),an assemblyman, an assemblywoman, a representative;〔日本の国会の〕a member of the Diet;〔英国の〕a Member of Parliament ((略 M.P.));〔米国の〕〔下院〕a congressman, a congresswoman;〔上院〕a senator
    • 参議院[衆議院]議員
    • a member of the House of Councillors [Representatives]
    • 都議会議員
    • a member of the Tokyo metropolitan assembly
    • 県[市/区]会議員
    • a member of a prefectural [municipal/ward] assembly
  1. 議員会館the Members' Hall
  1. 議員総会a general meeting of the Diet;〔ある政党の党員の〕a general meeting of party Diet members
  1. 議員提出法案a bill presented by a Diet member
  1. 議員立法legislation introduced by a Diet member
  1. the Diet(▼国により名称は異なる.日本ではDiet,米国ではCongress,英国などではParliamentを使う) ⇒じょういん(上院)かいん(下院)しゅうぎいん(衆議院)さんぎいん(参議院)
  1. 議院運営委員会〔日本の〕the Standing Committee for House Management
  1. 議院制the parliamentary system
  1. 議院内閣制a parliamentary system of government
  1. 議院法parliamentary law

