1. public order
  1. 公序良俗public order and standards of decency
  1. an Imperial princess
  1. subtraction ((from));deduction ((from))

    控除する subtract ((from));deduct ((from))

    • 基礎[特別]控除
    • a basic [special] deduction
    • 勤労所得控除
    • an earned income credit [allowance]
    • 扶養控除
    • a credit [an allowance] for dependents
    • 寡婦控除を申請した
    • She applied for the tax deduction for widows.
    • 医療費が10万円を越えたので税金の控除を受けられる
    • I can receive a tax deduction because my medical expenses have run over a hundred thousand yen.
    • 火災保険料は課税所得金額から控除される
    • The fire insurance premium is deducted from taxed income.
  1. 控除額the amount deducted [of a deduction]

