好捕する make a good [nice] catch

  1. 〔立候補すること〕 《米》 candidacy,《英》 candidature;〔人〕a candidate ((for)) ⇒こうほしゃ(候補者)
    • 公認候補
    • 「an officially ticketed [a ticketed] candidate
    • 党の公認[非公認]候補
    • a candidate running with [without] the official support of the party
    • 当選[落選]候補
    • a successful [defeated/unsuccessful] candidate
    • 次期市長候補
    • a candidate in the next mayoral election/a mayoral hopeful
    • 委員長の候補を辞退する
    • withdraw [stand down] as a candidate for the chairmanship
    • 彼は学長の後任として第一候補である
    • He is the most likely candidate to succeed the president of the university.
    • 候補に立つ
    • 《米》 run for/《英》 stand for
    • 次の大統領戦ではだれが候補に立つのでしょう
    • Who is going to run for the presidency in the next election?
    • 我々は次期会長の候補に田川氏を推す
    • We will 「put up [nominate] Mr. Tagawa as the next chairperson.
    • 入賞候補の作品
    • works 「under consideration for awards [being considered for a prize]
    • 花嫁候補
    • a prospective bride
    • 児童公園の候補地
    • the place [site] proposed for the children's park

