3乗する cube ((a number));raise ((a number)) to the third power

    • 3の3乗は27である
    • The cube of three is twenty-seven./Three cubed [(raised) to the third power] is twenty-seven.
    • 10を3乗すると1,000になる
    • Ten multiplied by itself twice is 1,000.
  1. 三乗根the cubic root
    • 27の3乗根は3である
    • The cubic root of 27 is 3.
    • 山上に[で]
    • at the top of a mountain
    • 山上からの眺め
    • the view from the top of a mountain
    • 山上の垂訓
    • 〔聖書の〕the Sermon on the Mount
  1. a visit

    参上する go [come] to see ((a person));visit

    • 近々参上いたします
    • I will come and see you one of these days.
  1. 1〔むごたらしいありさま〕
    • 墜落現場はすさまじい惨状を呈していた
    • The scene of the plane crash was 「a terrible sight [a horrible spectacle].
  1. 2〔みじめなありさま〕
    • 一家の惨状は見るに耐えなかった
    • I could not bear to look at the wretched [pitiable] state the family was in.

