1. 1〔競技団の〕the captain ((of a team))
  1. 2〔軍隊の〕the supreme commander; the commander in chief
  1. advocacy
    • 彼女は男女同等の賃金制度を主唱してきた
    • She has long advocated equal pay for men and women.
  1. 主唱者an advocate ((of))
    • 自然保護運動の主唱者
    • the high priest of the conservationist movement
  1. the prime minister; the premier
    • 故吉田首相
    • the late Prime Minister Yoshida
  1. 首相官邸the prime minister's official residence
  1. 首唱者the first person to advocate ((pacifism));the earliest advocate ((of pacifism))

    殊勝な admirable; praiseworthy

    • 彼女は殊勝にも弟たちの面倒を見ている
    • It is admirable of her to look after her younger brothers.
    • 彼は両親を喜ばせようという殊勝な気持ちから勉強に励んだ
    • He studied hard out of a commendable desire to please his parents.
    • 彼女の殊勝な心掛けはいつか報われるだろう
    • Someday her good deeds will be rewarded.
    • 殊勝な顔をしてもだまされませんよ
    • You can't fool me with your sanctimonious look.

