1. 〔法律〕testimony

    証言する testify ((to; against, in favor of));give evidence;《文》 bear witness ((to))

    • 目撃者の証言
    • the testimony of an eyewitness
    • 被告に有利[不利]な証言をする
    • testify 「in favor of [against] the accused
    • 彼が無罪であると証言した
    • She testified to his innocence./She testified that he was innocent.
    • 友人に証言を頼む
    • ask a friend to be [serve as] a witness
    • 虚偽の証言をする
    • give false evidence [testimony]/commit perjury
  1. 証言者a witness
  1. 証言台the witness stand [《英》 box]
    • 証言台に立つ
    • take the witness stand/《英》 enter the witness box
  1. 〔数学で〕a quadrant

