1. one's feelings
    • 彼の心情を察して言葉もなかった
    • I felt 「so sorry for him [for him so deeply] that I could say nothing.
  1. 1〔経歴〕one's history;〔境遇〕one's circumstances
  1. 2〔取り柄〕one's merit [asset]
    • 勤勉が彼の身上だ
    • Diligence is his strong point.
  1. 身上書a personal information form
  1. 身上調書a statement of one's personal history and (family) background
  1. 1〔信仰の教義〕a creed; an article of faith
  1. 2〔信念〕a belief;〔主義〕a principle
    • 私の信条
    • my belief/what I believe
    • 生活信条
    • one's principles in life/one's philosophy of life
    • それは私の信条に反する
    • It is against my principles.
  1. true feelings
    • 真情を吐露する
    • reveal one's true feelings

