1. 〔体育館〕a gym(nasium);〔ボクシングの〕a gym
  1. 〔机上でする仕事〕clerical work, office work;〔実務〕business

    事務的な businesslike

    事務的に in a businesslike manner

    • 彼は事務に明るい
    • He is experienced in handling business.
    • 建築関係の会社で事務を執っている
    • I do office work at a construction company.
    • 事務を引き渡す
    • hand over one's work to one's successor
    • 事務を引き継ぐ
    • take over one's predecessor's work
    • 事務多端なために旅行は取りやめた
    • He canceled his trip because he was too busy.
    • 事務的な才がある
    • have clerical ability
    • 彼はまるで事務的でない
    • He is most unbusinesslike.
    • 事務的に仕事をやる
    • work in a businesslike manner
  1. 事務員a clerk; an office worker
  1. 事務官a secretary
  1. 事務規定office regulations
  1. 事務局a secretariat
  1. 事務局長a bureau chief
  1. 事務次官a vice-minister;〔英国の〕a permanent undersecretary
  1. 事務室[所]an office
  1. 事務職a clerical position; clerical work
  1. 事務職員a clerical employee
  1. 事務総長a secretary-general ((複 secretaries-general))
  1. 事務担当者an official responsible for administrative affairs
  1. 事務長an office manager
    • 局長事務取扱
    • an acting director (of a bureau)
    • 事務取扱時間
    • office hours
  1. 事務費office expenses
  1. 事務用品stationery; office supplies

