1. 1〔水の便〕a water supply
    • 水利のよい場所
    • a site with a good supply of water
  1. 2〔灌漑かんがい〕irrigation
    • その土地は水利がよい
    • The land is well watered [irrigated].
  1. 3〔水上輸送の便〕water transportation; navigability
  1. 水利権water [irrigation] rights
  1. 水利施設water-use facilities
  1. 〔推論〕(an) inference;〔論理的な推理〕reasoning;〔演えき的な推理〕deduction

    推理する 〔推論する〕infer ((from));〔論理的に考えて〕reason;〔事実や仮説から〕deduce ((from)) ⇒すいろん(推論)

    • 犯人は女だと推理された
    • It was deduced that the culprit was a woman.
    • この状況から事件の全貌を推理してみよう
    • Let's try to reconstruct a full picture of what happened, based on the evidence before us.
  1. 推理小説a detective [mystery] story [novel];《口》 a whodunit [hùːdʌ́nit]
  1. 推理作家a detective story writer; a mystery [crime] writer
  1. 推理力one's 「power of reasoning [deductive powers]

