1. ((make)) a living(▼単数形でのみ用いる);(a) livelihood [láivlihùd]
    • 生計を立てる
    • make [earn] a living
    • 生計の道を失った
    • He has lost his (means of) livelihood.
    • 生計が苦しい[豊かである]
    • be badly [well] off
    • 彼女はピアノの個人教授をして年老いた父母の生計を支えていた
    • She supported her aged parents by giving piano lessons.
  1. 生計費living expenses
  1. 生計費指数the cost-of-living index

    成形する form;〔型に入れて〕mold,《英》 mould ⇒けいせい(形成)

  1. 成形型かた(型)1

    成型する 〔鋳て〕cast;〔型に入れて〕mold,《英》 mould

    • 粘土[金属]を成型して像を作る
    • cast a statue in clay [metal]/cast clay [metal] into a statue
  1. 成型品a cast; a casting
  1. (the) west longitude
    • 西経25度に
    • at Long. 25° West(▼longitude twenty-five degrees westと読む)
  1. politics and economics
  1. 政経学部the department [faculty] of politics and economics
  1. 政経不可分の原理the principle that politics and economics are inseparable
  1. けいせい(形成)
  1. 整形外科〔医学の一部門〕orthopedics [ɔ̀ːrθəpíːdiks], orthopedic surgery;〔病院の科〕the orthopedics department
  1. 整形外科医an orthopedist; an orthopedic surgeon
  1. 整形手術〔総称〕orthopedic surgery;〔美容整形の〕plastic surgery
    • 鼻の整形手術
    • 《口》 a nose job
    • しわとりの整形
    • a face-lift
    • 彼女は鼻の整形手術をした
    • She had plastic [cosmetic] surgery done on her nose.
  1. 整形病院an orthopedic hospital;〔美容整形の〕a plastic [cosmetic] surgery hospital

