• この絵は私の丹精の作品です
    • This picture cost me a great deal of labor./I have putmy heart and soul [my all] into this picture.
    • 丹精してこの仕事を終えた
    • I made a great effort to finish this work./I took great pains with this work.
    • 少女は丹精をこめて小鳥を育てた
    • The girl raised the bird with the utmost care.
    • 丹精したかいがなかった
    • All my labor [effort] 「has come to nothing [was wasted].
  1. 〔音楽で〕a single voice
  1. unisexuality

    単性の unisexual

  1. 単性花a unisexual flower
  1. 単性生殖たんいせいしょく(単為生殖)
    • 嘆声をもらす
    • heave a sigh (of grief [of admiration])(▼of admirationは感嘆の)
    • 端正な顔だち
    • a handsome [clear-cut] face
    • 身のこなしが端正だった
    • She carried herself with grace and dignity.

