1. winter; wintertime; the winter season
  1. 冬季オリンピック大会the Winter Olympics
  1. winter; the winter period
  1. 冬期休暇the winter vacation
  1. the current [present] term
    • 当期の決算
    • the settlement of accounts for this term

    投棄する throw [cast] away;〔ひとかたまりにどさっと〕dump

    • ごみを不法投棄する
    • dump garbage unlawfully
    • 男は捕まる前に拳銃を川に投棄していた
    • The man had thrown his gun into the river before he was arrested.
  1. speculation ((in));a venture

    投機的 speculative

    • 株[土地]に投機をする
    • speculate in stocks [land]
    • 投機で当てる
    • make a killing in speculation
    • もうかる投機
    • a profitable venture
    • 父は投機に手を出して大損をした
    • My father 「went in for [tried] speculation and lost heavily./My father lost heavily through speculating.
    • 株の投機をちょっとやってみた
    • I tried my hand at playing the stock market.
  1. 投機売りspeculative selling
  1. 投機買いspeculative buying
  1. 投機師a (professional) speculator
  1. 投機資本《米》 venture [《英》 risk] capital
  1. 投機心a speculative spirit
  1. 投機筋a speculator
    • 最近の穀物価格の世界的高騰は投機筋が仕掛けた側面がある
    • The recent global rise in grain prices is partly due to speculators' manipulation of the market.
  1. 投機売買sales by speculation; speculative trading [sales]
  1. 投機防止法the Antiprofiteering Law
  1. party discipline
    • 党紀を乱す
    • upset [disrupt] party discipline
  1. party rules
  1. 〔総称〕earthenware, pottery;〔瀬戸物〕crockery;〔陶磁器〕chinaware, ceramic ware
    • 陶器の花瓶
    • 「a ceramic [an earthenware] vase
    • 陶器1個
    • a piece of earthenware
    • 陶器製作を習っている
    • I am taking lessons in pottery [ceramics].
  1. 陶器商〔人〕a crockery dealer;〔店〕a china shop
  1. 陶器製作者a potter
  1. 陶器製造業the ceramic industry
  1. 陶器製造所a pottery
  1. registration

    登記する register ((a house))

    • 家屋の登記を抹消する
    • cancel the registration of a house
    • 最近買った土地を登記した
    • I had my newly-bought land registered.
    • 登記済み証
    • a registration certificate
    • 登記済み
    • 〔表示〕Registered
  1. 登記係a registrar; a recorder
  1. 登記所a registry (office)
  1. 登記簿a register; a registry (book)
  1. 登記料a registration fee
  1. a rise ((in prices));〔相場・評価額の〕appreciation

    騰貴する rise, go up, advance;〔急騰する〕soar

    • 地価が騰貴している
    • Land values are on the increase [rise].
    • 地価[円]の騰貴
    • the appreciation of 「land values [the yen]

