1. I〔動物〕〔雄〕a tiger;〔雌〕a tigress;〔子〕a tiger cub
  1. II〔酔っぱらい〕a drunk
    • とらになる
    • get drunk
  1. 虎の威を借るきつねa person 「who swaggers about [who assumes an air of importance] making use of his boss's influence
  1. 虎の尾を踏むtread on a tiger's tail;〔危険を冒す〕take a great risk
    • とらの尾を踏む心地だった
    • I kept expecting everything to blow up in my face.
  1. 虎は死して皮を留め人は死して名を残すA great man will be remembered for his achievements.
  1. 虎を野に放つlet a tiger run loose/do nothing about a dangerous situation
    • それは虎を野に放つようなものだ
    • It is like letting a tiger run loose./You are courting disaster.
  1. 〔十二支の一つ〕the Tiger (the third of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac);〔方角〕east-northeast;〔時刻〕the hour of the Tiger (4:00 a.m. or the hours between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.)
  1. 寅年the year of the Tiger

