• 仲間同士じゃないか,口げんかは止せよ
    • You're pals, aren't you? Now stop that bickering.
    • 兄弟同士のけんか
    • a quarrel between [among] brothers
    • 気の合った同士でグループを作った
    • We formed a group of congenial people.
    • お互いに人間同士だ
    • We are fellow human beings.
    • 乗客同士がけんかを始めた
    • The passengers began to quarrel among themselves.
  1. 同士打ちan internal squabble
    • 同士打ちをした
    • They fought among themselves.
    • 暗闇で同士打ちになった
    • It was so dark that they (accidentally) attacked those on their own side.
  1. 《文》 kindred spirits; people of the same persuasion; like-minded people;〔同じ政党などの〕a comrade, a fellow member
    • 同志を募る
    • gather like-minded persons
  1. a verb

    動詞の verbal

    • 規則[不規則]動詞
    • a regular [an irregular] verb
    • 他[自]動詞
    • a transitive [an intransitive] verb
    • 動詞の変化[活用]
    • conjugation
  1. 動詞句a verb(al) phrase
  1. 〔道義をわきまえた人〕a man of high moral sense;〔仏教の僧〕a (Buddhist) priest;〔道教修行者〕a Taoist
  1. 〔法会などをとり行う僧〕an officiating priest (at a Buddhist service);〔一般の僧侶〕a priest

