1. 1〔呼び掛け〕
    • 神よ,我を憐あわれみたまえ
    • Oh, God! Have pity on me.
  1. 2〔軽い強め〕
    • さっさとしろよ
    • Do it quickly!/Get on with it!/Get a move on!/《英俗》 Pull your finger out!
    • いいのよ,あの人が悪いんだから
    • Don't worry ― he's in the wrong!(▼日本語の「よ」そのものを訳すことはできない.前後の訳語の選択によってその意味を伝える)
    • なによ,その膨れっ面は
    • Come on! What are you sulking about?
  1. 1〔世間,世の中〕the world; society
    • 世に長らえる限りは
    • as long as one lives
    • 彼の名は世に忘れられている
    • His name has been forgotten (by the world).
    • 世に知られた科学者
    • a well-known scientist
    • これが世に言う「名誉革命」だ
    • This is the so-called“Glorious Revolution. ”
    • 私は世におもねることはしたくない
    • To court popularity is not my way.
    • 世のため人のために尽くす
    • work for the public good
  1. 2〔人生〕life
    • 世をはかなむ
    • feel the vanity of this life
    • 世の荒波を切り抜ける
    • manage to ride out the troubled waves of life
  1. 3〔過去・現在・未来のいずれか〕
    • あの世
    • the life after death/the afterworld/the life to come/the other world
    • 世を去る
    • die/pass away
    • この世で再びお目にかかることはありますまい
    • I shall not see you again in this life.
  1. 4〔時勢〕the times
    • 世に後れる
    • be behind the times
    • 世に後れないようにする
    • keep up with the times
    • 世に逆らう
    • swim against the current (of the times)
    • 彼は世に先んじてこの薬の副作用を警告した
    • He was ahead of the times in warning of the harmful side effects of this drug.
  1. 5〔時代〕an age;〔治世〕a reign
    • 世はまさにコンピュータ時代だ
    • This is truly the age of the computer.
    • 明治天皇の世に
    • during the reign of the Emperor Meiji
    • 徳川の世には厳格な階級制度があった
    • There was a rigid caste system under the Tokugawa regime.
    • 世が世なら私も今ごろは楽隠居をしているはずだ
    • If these were normal times, I would be living in comfortable retirement now.
    • 彼は世に合うことなく失意のうちに死んだ
    • He didn't fit in with the taste of the times, and died in obscurity.
  1. 世に入れられるbe properly recognized [appreciated] by the world
  1. 世に処するadapt oneself to the times
  1. 世に背くturn one's back on the world;〔隠遁する〕retire from public life;〔出家する〕renounce the world (and become a monk)
  1. 世に出る1〔世間に知られる〕be known (to the world), become famous;〔出世する〕rise in the world
    • 彼は20代で早くも世に出た
    • He 「rose in the world [made a name for himself] while he was still in his twenties.
  2. 世に出る2〔出版される〕
    • この本は10年前に世に出た
    • This book was published ten years ago.
  1. 世に問うappeal to the public
    • 研究の成果を世に問うことにした
    • I decided to publish [announce] the results of my research.
  1. 世の聞こえone's reputation
  1. 世の定めthe way things are arranged [fixed, set up] in life
    • それは世の常だ
    • That's how things go in this world.
    • 「おごれる者久しからず」とは世の習いである
    • “Pride goes before a fall” ― that is the way of the world.
    • あの旅の僧は領主の世を忍ぶ仮の姿です
    • That traveling priest is actually the lord of the land in disguise.
  1. 世を捨てるrenounce this world and become a hermit [Buddhist monk]
    • 世をはばかってひっそり暮らす
    • avoid all human contact [shun public notice] and live in total seclusion
    • 彼はうまく世を渡った
    • He made his way skillfully in life [the world].
  1. よる(夜)
    • 病人の看病で夜を明かした
    • I stayed up all night watching the patient.
    • 彼は夜が更けるまでその本を読んだ
    • He went on reading the book till late at night.
    • 工事は夜を徹して行われた
    • The construction work was continued right [straight] through the night.
    • 夜が明けて間もなく一行が到着した
    • The party arrived a little after daybreak.
    • ちょうど夜が明けるところだった
    • The day was just dawning.
    • 夜の目も寝ずに仕事を仕上げた
    • I stayed up all night to finish the work.
    • 彼女がいなければ夜も日も明けない
    • She is everything to him.
    • 夜を日に継いで彼らは働いた
    • They worked night and day.
  1. 1〔…以上,…余り〕more than ⇒いじょう(以上)
    • 30人余出席した
    • More than [Upward(s) of] thirty people came./「Over thirty [Thirty-some/Thirty-odd] people attended the meeting.
  1. 2〔残り〕the rest

