1. 1〔競争〕(a) competition ((for)),(a) rivalry;〔激しい努力〕a struggle ((for))
    • 功名争い
    • competition for honor
    • 彼は主導権争いに巻き込まれた
    • He was dragged into the struggle for supremacy [leadership].
    • 新製品の開発争いをする
    • compete in the development of new products
  1. 2〔けんか〕a quarrel;〔論争〕a dispute;〔家族・氏族間などの反目〕a feud;〔不和〕discord, strife
    • 争いの元
    • the cause of a quarrel/the subject of a dispute
    • スミス家とジャクソン家の間には何世代にもわたる家族同士の争いがあった
    • There was discord [a family feud] between the Smiths and the Jacksons for many generations.
    • 両家は水争いをしていた
    • The two families were at loggerheads over water rights.
    • この点に関して法廷の争いが続いている
    • There is an ongoing judicial dispute concerning this point.
    • この問題をめぐる学者同士の争い
    • a controversy [an argument] among scholars on this subject

