1. 1〔人や乗物の通行・往来〕traffic
    • この通りは交通が激しい[あまりない]
    • There is heavy [little] traffic on this street.
    • 交通を一時遮断する
    • suspend traffic
    • バイパスができて1号線の交通が緩和された
    • The newly opened bypass has relieved traffic congestion on Route 1.
    • 地震のためところどころで交通がまひしている
    • Traffic has been paralyzed in places by the earthquake.
  1. 2〔貨客の輸送(の方法)〕transportation,《英》 transport
    • ホテルへの交通は便利です
    • The hotel is easy to get to.
    • わが家は交通の便がよくない
    • My house is hard to reach by [on] public transportation.
  1. 交通安全運動a traffic safety campaign
  1. 交通安全環境研究所〔国交省の〕the National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
  1. 交通安全週間Traffic [《英》 Road] Safety Week
  1. 交通遺児a child orphaned in a traffic [《英》 road] accident; children who have lost their parents in traffic accidents
  1. 交通違反(a) violation of traffic regulations
  1. 交通違反切符a traffic ticket
    • スピードの出しすぎで交通違反切符をもらう
    • 《米》 get a traffic ticket for speeding/《英》 be bookedfor speeding
  1. 交通禍a traffic accident; a smash-up
  1. 交通機関(a means of) transportation; transport(ation) facilities
  1. 交通規制[法規]traffic regulations [laws]
    • 東京都交通局
    • the Transportation Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  1. 交通事故a traffic [《英》 road, car] accident
    • 交通事故にあう
    • 「be involved in [have] a traffic accident
    • 交通事故を起こす
    • cause [have] a traffic accident
  1. 交通地獄traffic chaos; horrible traffic congestion
  1. 交通渋滞traffic congestion; a traffic jam
    • 中央高速は大月付近で上り線5キロの交通渋滞です
    • Traffic bound for Tokyo on the Chuo Expressway is backed up for 5 kilometers near Otsuki.
  1. 交通巡査《米》 a traffic policeman,《英》 a traffic warden
  1. 交通信号a traffic light [signal]
  1. 交通整理[規制]traffic control [restrictions]
  2. 交通整理[規制]交通整理[規制]をする control [restrict] traffic
  1. 交通戦争measures to prevent traffic accidents
  1. 交通道徳road manners,《英》 road etiquette
    • この道路では交通取締り実施中
    • Traffic regulations are being enforced on this road.
  1. 交通博物館the Museum of Railway Transportation
  1. 交通費transportation [traveling] expenses(▼travelingは旅行の場合);〔車代〕fare, carfare
    • 交通費を支給する
    • provide a commutation allowance
  1. 交通標識a traffic sign
  1. 交通妨害a traffic obstruction
  2. 交通妨害交通妨害する block [obstruct] traffic
  1. 交通まひ((get caught in)) a traffic jam
  1. 交通網a network of roads; a transportation network

