1. 〔仲立ち〕intermediation;〔調停〕mediation

    仲介する intermediate ((between));mediate ((between))

    • …の仲介で
    • through the intermediation [mediation] of...
    • 米国は両国間の停戦交渉で仲介の労をとった
    • The United States acted as an intermediary in ceasefire talks between the two countries.
    • 彼は両家の仲直りのための仲介を申し出た
    • He offered to mediate between the two families to help them mend their differences.
  1. 仲介者an intermediary, a go-between;〔調停者〕a mediator;〔周旋人〕an agent, a broker
  1. 仲介手数料a brokerage fee
  1. 仲介貿易trade carried on through an agent; agency business

