1. 1〔信頼〕confidence ((in));trust ((in));faith ((in));reliance ((on)) (▼confidenceは経験や証拠に基づく信用に,trustは尊敬など主観に基づく信用に使われることが多い.faithは理性を越えた強い信用.relianceは頼みにすること)

    信用する believe ((in));trust ((in));have [put] trust ((in));place confidence ((in))

    • 彼は社長に十分信用がある
    • He has [《文》 enjoys] the full confidence of the president.
    • 信用を得る[失う]
    • win [lose] the confidence ((of))
    • 国民は現政府をあまり信用していない
    • The people do not have much confidence in the present government.
    • 私は彼女[彼女の能力]を完全に信用している
    • I have perfect 「trust in her [faith in her ability].
    • そんなことを続けたらだれも彼を信用しなくなる
    • If he goes on doing such things, everyone will lose faith in him.
  1. 2〔信じること〕
    • 彼の言うことを信用します
    • I believe [《文》 give credence to] what he says.
    • 彼は信用の出来る人物だ
    • He is a trustworthy [reliable] person./He can be trusted.
    • 娘は人の言葉を信用しやすいので心配だ
    • I am worried about my daughter because she is so credulous.
    • 彼の言うことは全然信用しない
    • I 「put no faith whatsoever [have no confidence at all] in what he says.
    • 医者の判断を100パーセント信用している
    • I place complete 「faith in [reliance on] the doctor's judgment.
  1. 3〔評判〕reputation;〔取り引き相手の信用度〕credit
    • 店の信用を傷つける[にかかわる]ことはしたくない
    • I do not want to do anything to injure [affect] the credit [reputation] of our store.
    • 信用のある商社に掛け合ったほうがよい
    • You had better negotiate with a reputable firm.
  1. 信用買いmargin buying
  1. 信用貸しa credit loan
    • 信用貸しで
    • on credit
  1. 信用危機a credit crisis [crunch]
  1. 信用金庫a credit association
  1. 信用組合a credit union
  1. 信用限度a credit limit
  1. 信用詐欺師a confidence [《口》 con] man
  1. 信用収縮a credit crunch
  1. 信用状a letter of credit ((略 L/C))
  1. 信用照会credit inquiry
  1. 信用状態a [one's] credit standing
  1. 信用調査a credit check
  1. 信用調書credit information
  1. 信用取り引き〔証券で〕a margin transaction, margin trading;〔商業で〕credit transactions, sale on credit
  1. 信用取り引き勘定a margin account
  1. 信用販売credit sales; selling on credit
  1. 信用銘柄marginable stocks

