1. government affairs; public service
    • 公務で奈良に出張中です
    • He is away in Nara on official business.
    • 公務を怠って選挙の応援に行った
    • He neglected his official duties to help with the election campaign.
  1. 公務員a public employee; a civil servant;〔総称〕public service personnel; government employees
    • 国家[地方]公務員
    • a national [local] civil servant
    • 公務員宿舎
    • an apartment house for government [public] employees
    • 外国人も公務員に任用されるようになった
    • The civil service has been opened to non-Japanese residents.
  1. 公務執行妨害interference with a government official in the execution of his duties

