1. 1〔揚げもの〕tempura; deep-fried fish and vegetables
    Tempura is a signature Japanese dish of seafood and vegetables which are coated in batter and then deep-fried. These ingredients are served fresh from the fryer, along with a warm dipping sauce. Tendon, the abbreviated word for “tempura donburi,” is a large bowl of rice topped with tempura.
    • えびのてんぷら
    • a deep-fried shrimp
    • てんぷらの衣
    • a coating/〔油で揚げる前の〕batter
  1. II
  1. 1〔うわべだけでごまかしたもの〕
    • てんぷらの金時計
    • a gold-plated watch
    • てんぷら学生
    • a bogus student
  1. 2〔高く打上げた打球〕a (high) fly (ball)
  1. てんぷらそば(a bowl of) buckwheat noodles with fried shrimps (and vegetables) in soup; tempura soba
