1. man [husband] and wife; a (married) couple

    夫婦の 《文》 conjugal

    • 若[老/新婚]夫婦
    • a young [an old/a newly- married] couple
    • 山田さん夫婦
    • Mr. Yamada and his wife/Mr. and Mrs. Yamada
    • すっかり夫婦きどりでいる
    • behave just like (a) husband and wife
    • 二人は夫婦になった
    • They became man and wife./They were married.
    • 実に似合いの夫婦だ
    • They are really a well-matched couple.
    • あの夫婦は別姓である
    • The wife has kept her maiden name.
  1. 夫婦愛conjugal love
  1. 夫婦間暴力domestic violence;〔夫による〕 《口》 wife-beating
  1. 夫婦げんかa quarrel [fight] between husband and wife; a marital quarrel
    • 昨夜夫婦げんかをした
    • I had a fight with my husband [wife] last night.
    • 夫婦げんかは犬も食わない
    • It is unwise to interfere in a couple's marital affairs.
  1. 夫婦生活married life
    • 夫婦仲は上々だ
    • They 「are an ideal [get on excellently as] husband and wife.
    • 夫婦仲が悪い
    • The couple don't get along well with each other.
  1. 夫婦別姓having a different surname from one's spouse
    • 選択的夫婦別姓
    • the right of a married couple to use separate surnames
  1. 夫婦別れりこん(離婚)
  1. ふうふ(夫婦)
  1. 夫婦茶碗a pair of his-and-hers teacups [rice bowls] in two sizes, the larger one for the man and the smaller for his wife

