1. (an) investment ((in))

    投資する invest ((in))

    • 公共[民間]投資
    • public [private] investment
    • 設備投資
    • investment in plant and equipment/capital investment [outlay/spending]
    • 土地に投資する
    • invest (one's money) in land/put one's money into land
    • 新事業に大金を投資した
    • I invested heavily in the new project.
    • 持ち金を最も有利に投資するには何が一番よい方法でしょう
    • What would be the most advantageous way to invest my money?
  1. 投資家an investor
    • 一般投資家
    • the investing public/general investors
  1. 投資減税an investment tax credit
  1. 投資顧問業the investment advisory business
  1. 投資信託an investment trust
    • 投資信託で100万円を運用する
    • put one million yen into an investment trust
  1. 投資ファンドan investment fund

