1. 1〔転居〕a move

    移転する move ((to))

    • 事務所は移転の準備で忙しい
    • They are busy preparing to move their office.
    • 上記に移転しました
    • We have moved to the above address.
    • 彼女は手紙[メール]で移転を知らせてきた
    • She wrote to tell me of her change of address.
  1. 2〔権利などの〕(a) transfer ((to))
    • 財産の移転
    • (a) transfer of property/〔法律で〕demise,devolution
    • 土地の権利を妻に移転する
    • transfer a land deed to one's wife's name
  1. 移転先a person's new address
  1. 移転通知a notice of a change of address
  1. 移転登記registration of a ((land)) transfer
  1. 移転補償compensation for moving
    • relocation《住居などの》
    • transfer《権利・場所などの》

