marital;《文》 matrimonial;《文》 conjugal
- 恋愛[見合い]結婚
- 「a love [an arranged] marriage
- 政略結婚
- a marriage of convenience
- 国際結婚
- 「an international [a mixed] marriage
- 近親結婚
- a consanguineous marriage
- 異民族間の結婚
- (an) intermarriage/a mixed marriage
- 同性間の結婚
- a same-sex marriage
- 山田・田中両家の結婚
- the Yamada-Tanaka wedding
- 結婚を申し込む
- propose (marriage) to a person/make a proposal (of marriage) to a person
- 結婚を解消する
- dissolve [break off] one's marriage ((with a person))/annul a marriage/〔離婚する〕get a divorce/divorce
- 結婚を承諾する[断る]
- accept [reject] a marriage proposal
- 結婚を祝う
- 〔祝辞を述べる〕congratulate a man on his marriage/wish a woman great happiness in her marriage(▼多少古めかしい考えだが通例男性に対してはcongratulate,女性に対してはwish...happinessという)/〔式・祝宴を行う〕celebrate a person's marriage
- 結婚したての夫婦
- newlyweds/a just-married couple
- 彼女は銀行員と結婚した
- She married [got married to] a bank employee.
- 彼らは10代で結婚した
- They got married (while they were still) in their teens.
- 結婚して3年になります
- We have been married for three years.
- 彼は一生結婚しなかった
- He remained single all his life.