1. Iせおう(背負う)
  1. II
  1. 1〔引き受ける〕be saddled [burdened] ((with));shoulder ((a responsibility, debts))
    • 母と3人の妹をしょっている
    • He is saddled with his mother and three sisters.
    • 君たちがこれからの世界をしょって立つのだよ
    • The future of the world will rest on your shoulders.
  1. 2〔うぬぼれている〕
    • あいつしょってるな
    • What a swollen [《米》 swelled] head he's got!/How conceited [puffed up] he is!
  1. I〔背に乗せる〕
    • 女は大きな包みを背負っていた
    • The woman was carrying a big bundle on her back.
  1. II〔身に引き受ける〕shoulder; be charged with
    • 彼は父の借金を背負った
    • He shouldered [took responsibility for] his father's debts.
    • 人に面倒な事を背負わせる
    • burden a person with [make a person take charge of] a troublesome matter
    • 重大な任務を背負って成田を出発した
    • Charged with an important task [mission], he departed from Narita.
    • 彼は学長として全責任を背負う羽目になった
    • As the president of the university, he had to assume full responsibility.

