1. I〔目的地〕one's destination;〔行方〕one's whereabouts
    • 船の行く先はホノルルです
    • The boat is bound for Honolulu./The destination of the boat is Honolulu.
    • 電車の行く先表示が間違っていた
    • The sign on the train showed the wrong destination.
    • 彼の行く先を教えてくれませんか
    • Please tell us where he is [has gone]./Let us know his whereabouts.
    • 父は行く先を言わず朝から出掛けた
    • My father went out in the morning without telling us where he was going.
  1. II〔将来〕
    • その調子では行く先さぞ苦労するだろう
    • You will have a lot of trouble in future [《米》 the future] if you act [behave] like that./You are in for trouble acting like that.

