1. 1〔人出〕
    • 盛り場のにぎわい
    • the din and bustle of the amusement district
    • 公園は夜更けまでにぎわいを見せていた
    • The park was bustling [thronged] with people until late at night.
    • 博覧会は大変なにぎわいだった
    • There was a large turnout at the exposition.
  1. 2〔繁盛〕prosperity
    • この町には昔のにぎわいの跡は見られない
    • This town retains no trace of its past prosperity.
    • 新しい駅ができて地元の店はにぎわいを見せてきた
    • With the construction of a new station, the nearby stores are doing a lively [brisk] business.

