1. export; exportation

    輸出する export

    • 我が国はアジア諸国へ自動車を輸出している
    • Our country exports automobiles to Asian countries.
    • 農産物の輸出を禁じる[許可する]
    • prohibit [permit] the export of agricultural products
    • 政府は金の輸出を禁止した[の禁止を解いた]
    • The government 「put an [lifted the] embargo on the export(ation) of gold.
    • この国は輸出と輸入のバランスがとれている
    • In this country exports and imports are well balanced./This country has a good balance of trade.
    • 近年薄型テレビの輸出が伸びた
    • Exports of flat-screen TVs have increased in recent years./Flat-screen TV exports have grown in recent years.
  1. 輸出価格an export price
  1. 輸出業export trade; the export business
  1. 輸出業者an exporter; an export trader
  1. 輸出競争export competition
  1. 輸出許可書[証]an export permit
  1. 輸出禁止an (export) embargo; an export ban
  1. 輸出禁制品items on the embargo list; items subject to embargo
  1. 輸出検査export inspection
  1. 輸出港an export port
  1. 輸出国an exporting country
  1. 輸出産業an export industry
  1. 輸出自主規制voluntary export restrictions; self-imposed export restraints
  1. 輸出市場the export market
  1. 輸出奨励encouragement of exportation; export promotion
    • 輸出奨励金
    • an export subsidy
  1. 輸出申告an export declaration
  1. 輸出信用状an export letter of credit
  1. 輸出奨励策export promotion measures
  1. 輸出税an export duty; export duties
  1. 輸出制限restriction of exports; export restrictions
  1. 輸出超過an excess of exports; a favorable balance of trade
  1. 輸出手形an export bill
  1. 輸出手続きcustoms formalities for exportation; export formalities
  1. 輸出ドライブ[攻勢]an export drive
  1. 輸出認証額validated exports
  1. 輸出品an export(▼しばしば複数形);an article for export; exported goods
  1. 輸出貿易export trade
  1. 輸出保険export insurance
  1. 輸出目標an export goal [target]
  1. 輸出(向け)注文an export order
  1. 輸出割り当てan export quota

