1. I〔迎えること〕meeting;〔迎える人〕a person sent to meet ((a visitor))
    • 駅まで迎えに行く
    • go to meet a person at the station
    • 迎えに来る
    • come for a person
    • 医者を迎えにやる
    • send for a doctor
    • お迎えが参りました
    • A man has come to fetch you.
    • 10時にお迎えの車がそちらに参ります
    • A car will be sent to pick you up at ten.
  1. II〔仏が浄土に呼びよせること〕
    • お迎えが来るのを待っています
    • I am ready for my journey to the other [next] world.
  1. 迎え酒a pick-me-up (to cure a hangover);《俗》 the hair of the dog (that bit one)
  1. 迎え火a small fire lit at the gate in the evening on the first day of the Bon Festival to welcome back the spirits of the deceased
  1. 迎え盆the first day of the Bon Festival when departed souls return home
  1. 迎え水1よびみず(呼び水)I
  2. 迎え水2〔盂蘭盆うらぼんで供える水〕the water offered to the altar to welcome back departed souls at the Bon Festival

