1. 1〔上へ追い詰める〕
    • 犬たちが鹿しかを山へ追い上げた
    • The dogs chased the deer up the mountain.
  1. 2〔後方から勢いよく迫る〕
    • 二番目の走者が急速に追い上げて来た
    • The second runner iscatching up [closing the gap] fast.
    • その馬は最終コーナーで追い上げてきた
    • The horse began gaining on the leader at the last corner.
  1. 3〔下位から勢いよく迫る〕
    • 後発メーカーが我が社を激しく追い上げてきている
    • Another manufacturer, who got a later start than we did, is really putting the pressure on us.
    • 選挙終盤に激しく追い上げ,辛うじて当選を果たした
    • In the last days of the (election) campaign, he moved up strongly and just squeaked through to win the election.

