• 下名の者
    • the undersigned(▼個人にも団体にも用いられる)
  1. an order

    下命する order [command] ((a person to do)) ⇒めいれい(命令)1

  1. affiliation ((with))

    加盟する join; associate oneself ((with))

    • 団体に加盟する
    • be affiliated with an organization/become a member of an association
  1. 加盟組合an affiliated union
  1. 加盟国a member nation
  1. 加盟者a member
  1. 加盟団体a member organization; an affiliate
  1. 加盟店a member (store)
  1. a fictitious [false] name ⇒ぎめい(偽名)
    • 仮名で手紙を書く
    • write a letter under 「a fictitious [a false/an assumed] name
  1. 1〔家の名〕the family name
    • 家名を継ぐ
    • succeed to the family name
  1. 2〔家の名誉〕the family honor
    • 家名を汚す
    • disgrace [blacken] the family name
    • 彼は大いに家名を上げた
    • He enhanced the reputation of the family greatly.
    • joining
    • participation
    • [参考]「加盟国 (a signatory, a member nation)」のように形容詞的に、また「加盟する (join, participate)」のように動詞として用いることが多い。

