1. 〔木〕a cherry tree;〔花〕a cherry blossom
    • 彼岸桜
    • a spring-equinox cherry tree [blossom]
    • 八重桜
    • a multi-petaled cherry tree [blossom]
    • 山桜
    • a mountain cherry tree [blossom]
  1. 桜色pink
  2. 桜色桜色の pink
    • 桜色のほお
    • rosy cheeks
  1. 桜狩りcherry-blossom viewing ⇒はなみ(花見)
  1. 桜前線a cherry-blossom front
  2. 桜前線Some Japanese weather forecasting services annually issue predictions on when cherry trees will blossom, and their reports are likely to be mentioned in late winter weather forecasts. Based on data for the current and past years, they use a geographical map to present the dates when Someiyoshino cherry blossoms can be expected in each part of the country and update it several times during the season. The expression used in discussing this blossoming forecast is“cherry blossom front,”a term taken from actual weather forecasting. Since Japan is a country which stretches more than a thousand miles from north to south, it takes about six weeks from the time the cherry blossom front begins in the south in March until it finally reaches the northernmost parts of Hokkaido in early May. Japanese pay eager attention to these forecasts so that they can plan blossom viewing outings and trips accordingly.(意訳:気象情報提供会社による桜の開花予想図に見られるもの.ソメイヨシノを対象として,過去と現在のデータに基づいて同じ日に開花すると予想される地点を線で結び,気象にならって桜前線と呼ぶ.日本は南北に長いため3月末から九州より北上を始め,5月初めに北海道に至る.開花予想は花見や旅行をする人たちに特に注目される)
  1. 桜漬けpickled cherry blossoms
  1. 桜肉ばにく(馬肉)
    • 桜吹雪だった
    • Cherry petals fell like snowflakes.
  1. 桜餅a rice cake filled with sweet bean paste and wrapped in a pickled cherry leaf
  1. 〔大道商人の〕a decoy, a plant,《米俗》 a shill;〔劇場の〕a claqueur,((集合的に)) a claque;〔競売の〕a by-bidder
    • さくらを使う
    • employ a decoy

