• 彼女は上気して顔を真っ赤にした
    • She flushed crimson.
    • 上気したほお
    • flushed cheeks
  1. a common [normal, proper] course (of action)
    • 常軌を逸した
    • 〔異常な〕abnormal/〔性格・行為などがとっぴな〕eccentric
  1. steam;vapor,《英》 vapour
    • 飽和蒸気
    • saturated steam
    • 蒸気を出す[止める]
    • turn on [off] the steam/turn the steam on [off]
    • 蒸気で動く
    • be driven by steam
    • 蒸気で動くモーター
    • a steam-driven motor
  1. 蒸気アイロンa steam iron
  1. 蒸気圧steam pressure
  1. 蒸気機関a steam engine
  1. 蒸気機関車a steam locomotive
  1. 蒸気孔〔火山の〕a fumarole [fjúːməròul]
  1. 蒸気消毒steam sterilization
  1. 蒸気船a steamship, a steamboat
  1. 蒸気タービンa steam turbine
  1. 蒸気暖房steam heating
  1. 蒸気ポンプa steam pump

