1. 1〔大きな仕事〕
    • 大事をなし遂げる
    • accomplish an important task/achieve something important
    • 大事は小事より起こる
    • Great things have small beginnings.
    • 大事の前の小事
    • 〔小事も大切にせよ〕One should be careful of small things if one is aiming to achieve great successes./〔小事は捨てよ〕Small sacrifices may be inevitable in order to achieve great things.
    • 党内のもめごとは国家統一という大事の前の小事にすぎなかった
    • The intraparty strife was a mere trifle compared with the great enterprise of uniting the nation.
  1. 2〔危ないこと〕
    • 反乱は大事に至らないうちに鎮圧された
    • The rebellion was put down before it got out of control.
  1. 3〔重要〕大事な important
    • 大事な用事で出掛けた
    • He went out on important business.
    • 受験前の大事な時期に風邪をひいた
    • He caught a cold before the examination, just when it was most important for him to be in good health.
    • 大事な点で意見が割れた
    • Opinions differed on a crucial point.
    • 病人は今が一番大事な時だ
    • This is the most critical time for the patient.
    • 彼は大事な時にいつもいない
    • He is never around when he is needed.
  1. 4〔大切〕大事な precious; valuable
    • 大事なものはそこいらに置かないでください
    • Don't leave valuables lying around.
    • 大事な友達を失った
    • He lost 「a valued [his dearest] friend.
  1. 5〔粗末にしない〕
    • このコップは割れやすいから大事に扱ってください
    • Please handle these glasses carefully, because they are fragile.
    • 先生の忠告を大事に守った
    • He followed his teacher's advice faithfully.
    • お体をお大事に
    • Take (good) care of yourself.
    • 彼は皆から大事にされる
    • He is always made much of.
    • 大事にしている指輪が見付からない
    • A ring which I treasure is missing.
    • 大事にしすぎると子供は神経質になることがある
    • Children may grow high-strung if they are overprotected.
    • 大事を取るに越したことはない
    • You will never lose by being careful./《口》 「There's nothing like [Nothing beats] being careful.
    • 大事を取って医者に診てもらった
    • I consulted a doctor just as a precaution.
    • 大事を取って補欠を3人残した
    • We kept three players in reserve, just to 「be on the safe side [play it safe].
  1. the title (of a book)
  1. an epigraph

