1. 〔衆議院議員〕a member of the House of Representatives;〔国会議員〕a Diet member, a member of the Diet, a Dietman(▼男性),a Dietwoman(▼女性) ⇒ぎいん(議員)国会議員
    • 鹿児島選出代議士山田氏
    • Mr. Yamada, the representative from Kagoshima
    • 自民党代議士
    • a Liberal Democratic member of the Dieta Diet member from the Liberal Democratic Party
    • 代議士に立つ
    • 《米》 run for Congress/《英》 stand for Parliament
    • 彼は代議士になった
    • He 「won a seat in [was elected to] the Diet.
    • 彼は代議士を5期つとめた
    • He has served as a Dietman for five terms.

