guarantee ((that; a thing to do));warrant ((that))

    • 3年間の保証つき製品
    • an article with a three-year guarantee [warranty]/an article guaranteed for three years
    • それは純毛だと保証できます
    • I can guarantee [warrant] that it is pure wool./It is warranted (to be) pure wool.
    • 借金の保証として家を担保に入れる
    • borrow money with one's house as security [collateral]/mortgage one's house to borrow money

    guarantee; assure

    • 頭がいいからと言って出世するという保証はない
    • Intelligence 「is no guarantee of [does not guarantee] success in life.
    • 彼には社長の地位が保証されている
    • The presidency is guaranteed to him.
    • 息子さんはきっと帰ってくる.保証します
    • Your son is sure to come back. Depend on it.
    • 彼がまじめなことは私が保証します
    • 「I will vouch for [I assure you of] his earnestness.

