1. 1〔望み〕a wish; a desire; an ambition(▼wishはやや消極的な希望,desireはwishより強い望み,ambitionは自分の将来の目標・仕事などに関する強い望み)
    • 私は医者を志望している
    • I want to be a doctor./《文》 I aspire to the medical profession.
    • 彼は政治家志望だ
    • He has an ambition to be a statesman.
    • 彼は小さいころからフランス留学を志望していた
    • Since he was small, he had (had) a desire to study in France.
    • 彼女の志望がかなった
    • She got her wish.
    • 志望通り医学部に入学した
    • I entered the medical school as I had wished.
  1. 2〔選択〕one's choice
    • 第一志望の学校[学科]
    • the school [department] of one's preference
    • 第一志望はこの大学だった
    • My first choice was this college.
    • 志望校が決まった
    • I have made up my mind which school(s) to apply to.
  1. 志望者an applicant ((for, to));a candidate ((for))
    • 小説家志望者
    • a would-be novelist
    • 女優志望者
    • a woman aspiring to a screen career/a would-be actress
  1. 志望理由a reason for applying
    • 本校[本社]の志望理由を書いてください
    • Please explain why you want toattend our school [work at our company].

