1. I
  1. 1〔強く打つこと〕 ((deal a person)) a blow
    • 相手の頭に打撃を加えた
    • He hit [struck] his opponent (a blow) on the head.
    • あごに猛烈な打撃をくらった
    • I took a hard blow to [on] the chin.
  1. 2〔野球で〕batting
    • あのチームは打撃がいい[ふるわない]
    • The team is strong [weak] in hitting.
  1. II
  1. 1〔精神的な痛手〕
    • その失敗は彼には大きな打撃であった
    • The failure was a great blow [shock] to him.
  1. 2〔損害〕damage
    • 台風でりんごは大打撃をこうむった
    • The apples were heavily damaged by the typhoon./The typhoon did serious damage to the apple crop.
    • 鉄道のストは東京の中央市場に大打撃を与えた
    • The railroad strike hit the Central Market in Tokyo hard.
  1. 打撃王〔野球で〕the batting champion
  1. 打撃戦〔野球で〕 《口》 a slugfest
  1. 打撃率だりつ(打率)
  1. 打撃練習〔野球で〕batting practice

