1. I〔捕まえられる〕be captured ((by an enemy))
  1. II〔物事のとりこになる〕
    • 恐怖に捕らわれて人々は逃げた
    • Seized with panic, the people fled.
    • 感情に捕らわれて物事を判断すべきではない
    • Don't let sentiment interfere with judgment.
    • 外観に捕らわれて物事[人]を判断すべきでない
    • You should not judge things [people] by their looks [appearance].
    • 目先のことに捕らわれるな
    • Don't let the 「desire for [thought of] a quick profit get the better of you.
    • 因襲[先入観]に捕らわれる
    • betied to [bound by] tradition [preconceptions]
    • 過去に捕らわれるのは無意味だ
    • There is no point in being a slave [prisoner] to the past.
    • 真の礼儀は形式に捕らわれるべきでない
    • Real etiquette should be free from formalities.

