compete, vie ((with a person for a thing))

    • 値引き競争
    • a price war
    • 軍拡競争
    • an arms race
    • 生存競争
    • a struggle for existence
    • 競争に勝つ[負ける]
    • defeat [be defeated by] one's competitor/「win out over [lose out to] one's competitor(s)
    • その産業での競争は激烈である
    • There's cutthroat competition in that industry.
    • 知事選での競争は激しかった
    • There was a hot race [contest] for governor./The governorship was hotly contested.
    • 彼とでは競争にならない
    • 〔彼が弱すぎて〕He is no match for me./〔彼が強すぎて〕I'm no match for him.
    • 競争圏内[外]にいる
    • be in [out of] the running ((for the championship))

