1. 〔貸し付け〕financing;〔貸し付け金〕a loan;〔資金提供〕funding

    融資する finance; furnish ((a company)) with funds

    • 住宅金融支援機構の融資を受ける
    • borrow money from the Japan Housing Finance Agency
    • 銀行から500万円の融資を受けた
    • I got [obtained] a loan of five million yen from the bank.
    • 銀行はその会社への融資を打ち切った
    • The bank cut off its financing to the firm.
  1. 融資会社a finance company
  1. 融資先the recipient of a loan; the borrower
  1. 融資残高the outstanding 「balance of a loan [loan balance]
  1. 融資条件the terms of a loan
  1. 融資枠a line of credit; the loan ceiling

