1. 1〔誇りに思う〕be proud ((of))
    • 彼らは自分たちの町の清潔な街路を誇っている
    • They pride themselves on their town's clean streets.
    • 彼女のこの業績は十分に誇るに足るものだ
    • She can 「rightly take pride in [be justly proud of] this achievement.
  1. 2〔すぐれた状態にある〕
    • 当時平家は栄華を誇っていた
    • At that time the Heike [Taira] clan was at the height of its power.
    • この町には世界最大を誇る製鉄工場がある
    • This town has [is famous for] the world's largest ironworks.
  1. 3〔自慢する,うぬぼれる〕boast ((of));brag ((of, about))
    • 家柄がいいからといって何も誇るには足らない
    • Good birth is nothing (for you) to boast about.
    • 彼はその試合での手柄を誇っている
    • He brags about his achievements in that game.
    • 彼らは初戦の勝ちに誇って,次の備えを怠った
    • Overconfident after their victory in the first game, they were unprepared for their next opponent.

