1. 1〔出生〕birth

    誕生する be born

    • 長男の誕生を祝った
    • They celebrated the birth of their first son.
    • 彼らは同じ日に誕生した
    • They were born on the same day.
  1. 2〔新しく作られること〕
    • 公共図書館の誕生を祝った
    • They celebrated the birth [establishment] of their public library.
    • この地方が有田焼誕生の地です
    • Arita ware had its origins in this area.
    • 海底火山の爆発で小さな島が誕生した
    • A small island was formed after the eruption of a submarine volcano.
  1. 誕生祝いa birthday present [gift]
  1. 誕生石a birthstone
  1. 誕生地one's birthplace
  1. 誕生日one's birthday
    • 今日は父の70歳の誕生日だ
    • Today is my father's seventieth birthday.
    • お誕生日おめでとう
    • Happy birthday!/Many [I wish you many] happy returns of the day.

