1. 1〔妨げ〕an obstacle;〔邪魔して遅らせるもの〕a hindrance;〔難事〕a difficulty
    • 障害を乗り越える
    • surmount 「an obstacle [a difficulty]
    • 様々な障害にぶつかる
    • encounter [《口》 run into] various obstacles
    • 柔軟性の欠如は進歩の障害となる
    • Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to one's progress.
    • 何が出世の障害になっているのか分からなかった
    • He did not understand what was in the way of his success in life.
    • がんの克服には資金不足が重大な障害となっている
    • Lack of money is a serious hindrance in the fight to conquer cancer.
  1. 2〔身体上の〕a handicap; a disorder
    • 言語障害
    • a speech impediment [defect]
    • 言語障害矯正学
    • logopedics [lɔ̀(ː)ɡəpíːdiks]
    • 胃腸障害
    • a gastrointestinal disorder
    • 情緒[更年期]障害
    • an emotional [a menopausal] disorder
  1. 障害管理〔コンピュータで〕fault management
  1. 障害者a handicapped person;〔総称〕the handicapped
    • 心身障害者
    • a mentally and physically handicapped person
    • 障害者に対する差別をなくすべきだ
    • We must eliminate [get rid of] discrimination against 「physically challenged [handicapped] people.
  1. 障害者控除a deduction for physically handicapped persons
  1. 障害児教育education of physically and mentally handicapped children
  1. 障害者自立支援法the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act
  1. 障害者年the Year of the Disabled
  1. 障害物an obstacle;〔ハードル〕a hurdle
    • 障害物を跳び越える
    • 〔障害物競走で〕clear [jump over] a hurdle/〔比喩〕clear 「a hurdle [an obstacle]
  1. 障害物競走〔運動会の〕an obstacle race;〔ハードルの〕a hurdle race;〔競馬の〕a steeplechase
    • 障害物競走をする
    • run the hurdles/run an obstacle course

