have been around the ridges
have been had
have been in the wars
((英略式・戯))1 (事故などで)けがをしている;病気の連続である2 手荒く扱われた形跡があるHaving be...
have been there (before)
(have) bought it.
have cash flow problems
have clean hands
have come a long way
いちじるしく進歩したYou've come a long way(, baby).とても進歩したよ(,君)(◆もと...
have design on A
((形式))1 A(欲しいもの)を手に入れようとねらう2 ((戯))A(異性)をものにしようとねらう
have egg on [all over] one's face
have enough to do
have [be] everything A want
have everything going for A
have eyes at [in] the back of one's head
have eyes only for A
1 Aに夢中[首ったけ]だ;Aだけがお目当てだ,ほしいのはAだけだ2 Aだけしか見ない
have feet of clay
have first call on A's time [help]
have friends in high places
have good lungs
have (got) A against B
B(人)を嫌う[B(事)に反対する]A(理由)があるI've got nothing against her (a...
have (got) A by the short and curlies
have got A down to a fine art
have (got) A in
1 〈店が〉A(商品)を仕入れておく;((英))〈人が〉A(食料品・燃料など)を家に蓄えている2 ((英))A(業...
have (got) A on
1 A(衣類)を身に着けている;A(テレビ・ラジオなど)をつけたままにしておく1a ((英))予定がAだけある(◆...
have (got) A on one's mind
Aのことが気にかかる,心配であるMark has a lot [something] on his mind.マー...
have (got) A (right [just, exactly]) where one wants
have (got) [be] A to do with B
B(人・事)とAな関係[関連,関わり合い]がある(◆have の場合 something,nothing,a lo...
(have) got A under one's skin
have (got) [get] A's number
have (got) eyes like a hawk
have got it bad
have (got) it made
have got to do
have (got) what it takes
have (got) what it takes
((略式))(ある目標を達成するのに)不可欠なもの[資質,能力]をもっている≪to do≫(◆美貌びぼう・才能・金...
have had a few (too many)
have had enough
have had it
((略式))1 〈物・事が〉盛りを過ぎた,時代遅れの;((英))〈物が〉(修理できないほど)ぼろぼろの,使い物にな...
have had more ... than (another has had) hot dinners
have had [be] one over the eight
have had one too many
have had one's chips
have had one's fill of A
have issues with A
have it
1 (…であると)言う,主張[断定]する≪that節≫;意見を通す,勝つRumor [Legend] has it...
have it away [off]
have [want] it both ways
(異なる2つのものの)両方を手に入れる(◆通例 You can't have it both ways. の形で用いる)
have (it) in mind to do
have it on good authority
have it [things, everything] one's own way